Bodywork entails a number of treatment modalities that utilize the same energetic principles as acupuncture. Acupressure, cupping and guasha all have therapeutic properties that may be beneficial to your ailment or concern. We often will use these techniques in conjunction with acupuncture. Most people find bodywork extremely relaxing, however, some of the deeper techniques can cause discomfort. This is often due to stagnation in the area we're working on and can lead to great relief within 24-48 hours. It is not uncommon to have minor bruising especially with cupping and guasha. Discoloration usually fades within a day or two. With continued treatments, we see great improvement in tissue vascularity. Additionally the stagnations that often contributed to tension and pain are diminished. With this, bruising and discoloration will often be minor, if at all.
After bodywork, it's always recommended to stay protected from the elements and drink lots of water to help tissue recovery.